Touch The history
Our cottage was built before the First World War in 1913. During this period it was center of the village for several purposes. There was a school, a shop and cultural center, where the theater was performed, weddings were held and for the last 50 years there was a pub.
Our wooden house served as a scenery during the filming of the movie
´´Drevený chlieb´´ (Wooden bread)

In 1969, director Martin Ťapák shot the movie "Drevený chlieb" in Veľké Borové and its surroundings based on Milo Urban's short story.

The story also takes place in our wooden house before Christmas, Adam spent all of his money from sallary on drinking, and on the way home, Jesus sits next to him. She asks him why he drinks. Adam replies that he drinks because he doesn't earn much, he wants to forget about reality - even the breads is as hard as wood for him.

A ballad story based on the motifs of M. Urban's short story, in which the hard work of loggers and the harshness of the environment alternate with the poetry of the Slovak mountains.
That's what Adam Žuk was: neither good nor bad...

"That's what Adam Žuk was: neither good nor bad... He worked in the forest until he was tired, but still he didn't get anything. When he got the money at the end of the week, he went straight into the nearest pub, sat down at the table and usually drank it to last penny.
"Wood, wood and all God's day only wood. You up there in heaven... What do you know about life down here in the woods. We fight with wood and eat wooden bread. It's hard bread. Hard as long as it's true... .It's good to forget about his hardness, at least for a while." The author describe the difficult life of loggers, their difficult living conditions.